"Awareness is offense and defense take back control you the spirit claim your power"
- Kid Universe
Hey everyone welcome to my CKU Blog, it's KU and we are here to discuss more in depth the importance of awareness and why its the key to having an abundant or impoverish life. Awareness is what separates the poor from the wealthy, the evolved versus unevolved, generational wealth versus generational curse. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW BETTER YOU WILL NOT DO BETTER, KNOW BETTER DO BETTER; To create a life of abundance for yourself. KU is aware that people will know better and will not do better and that is key to note/notice. Being aware will keep you in clarity and truth, of this world and the collective that chooses to root in unawareness.

If you are a person who is choosing to be the change you wanna see in the world well you have to be aware of your environment as it will always be a benefit to you. Being aware will save you a lot of headaches, time, and allows you to truly know what is important to you. In being aware, it is beneficial to note that what's important to you, does not have to be important to anyone else. It is important to know that your awareness is unique to your unique energy, frequency, and vibration, making you an asset to yourself. When you truly peep game that nobody in this world is like you, you innerstanding this awareness makes you a valuable gem. Awareness gives you ultimate power over your divine being if you want it. If you are aware of what makes you sad versus happy, what you like versus dont like, what you want out of life versus what you do not want you will be able to maneuver at your greatest version always and this is a forever thing lol. For example if you are aware of someone making you sad, then you have all the power to let that person know and they can do better with you or you can leave that experience and focus on what you want to attract versus don't want to attract. Bringing about experiences of people who make you happy and willing to hear you and make the necessary changes.

Awareness is truly a life saver and will assist you in manifesting with certainty. If you are in alignment to go from rags to wealth you have awareness beings who grew up with money or a lot of vanity do not; especially if their parents did not raise them to have humility and teach them the wisdom. When you are aware of who you are, what "can't" you do? Truth of self will always reveal everything else, makes you grasp how connected everything truly is. When you are aware of your own intentions it is a lot easier to be aware of other peoples intentions, it just takes practice to get into this state of knowing/awareness, life is our greatest teacher so live it up and fill your life library with many memories that hold the key to infinite amounts of wisdom.
Those who self develop and learn more about the inner and outer world are more evolved, and involved in life than many who just live a life in an act and play pretend. How to see the actors and pretenders? Live a life of truth, raise your awareness, be authentic and you will too see how many people are not moving in the betterment direction they have used their own free will to stunt their own growth due to big ego, so much pride, entitlement, laziness, etc...Well, let those people play their roles fashionably well and you play your role fashionably well as well. You know what it was like to be in similar spaces and with awareness you are on to bigger and better due to your will and connection with the most high to raise the frequency of the world within. To be aware leads to so much freedom, generational health and wealth and I am proud of everyone reading this and thank you for being better than the reality you was raised up around. Expand and you're awareness with me. You are the KEY, KU.
Let me know what you think, sending good vibes to my tribe.

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