Not only is ku doing community readings, on the earth angel pack I assist you with your integration into the 4th industrial space (digital world) crypto space, online business start up, brand building, etc with a KU spiritually empowering twist. You will be able to know what positions I have as far as crypto or stocks, when I find new currencies worth investing in and when I find new financial/spiritual content that I know would add value to your path. I am the guy to lead with, spiritual and financial freedom is ours. Claim It with me feel dat POWER and HOLD DAT FAITH!!!!!!
Without people truly knowing how to create their own ways of making money people aren't truly free. Majority shall be controlled or already is controlled by fianacial awareness many fail to have due to lack of maturity to learn finances. I get it I used to be one of these people, once you know better you do better and a lot of people dont know better yet so they won't do better until they have learned their lesson. Regardless I am here to assist in the balance, the take over of Robots Algorithms is here to stay and many peoples way of work and life will shift to the internet space; many will struggle due to not wanting to change and change is good because its miss ole reliable lol.
Thanks to crypto, having your money make you money has become so easy and I am here to be a guide for anyone in need of guidance because we are making history as you read this and years from now this would have been known as one of the greatest wealth transfers to ever happen.
In what bank of the old way can you make 20.28% in interest from saving? On top of that the currency investment that you are holding can go up in value as well making you even more money as you save. Nothing better than your money making you more money as you work hard in other areas of your life.
If you have not joined coinbase yet click my link below; time for generational wealth leaving the 3rd and welcome to the 4th. Also there is a learn and earn section to get free money so why not get some free money for watching short 1 min videos. Theres pros and cons to everything and we will be having further discussions on this topic in the patreon and in this blog space. namaste
Coinbase is JP Morgan/Bank of America 2.0 what a time to be alive tribe truly.

In order for those who govern self to thrive in this time of ultimate manipulation its important to know the game to play it your way and this is nothing but a game of full totalitarian control.

Generational Wealth Generational Wealth. Smart Money (passive income) always Beats Hardworking money ( active income). Your money can work harder for you then you can work for it.
Some products and service within the CKU Platform.
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