Programmable money only has advantages for the short term and its coming and it's inevitable due to the lack of knowledge and wisdom and applying that knowledge and wisdom.
What Is a CBDC?
CBDC stands for central bank digital currency, a digital form of legal tender currency that is issued by a country’s central bank. Like other forms of digital currency, such as cryptocurrency, a CBDC is only available in electronic form.
Where ever their is a central bank in the world they will have their own digital currency in the financial digital sector

How Many CBDCs Are There Today?
There are currently more than 100 countries exploring the use of CBDCs, and those countries represent more than 95% of global GDP. Several major central banks have already launched different versions of central bank digital currencies.
What is the point of CBDCs?
Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are the digital form of a government-issued currency that isn't pegged to a physical commodity. They are issued by central banks, whose role is to support financial services for a nation's government and its commercial-banking system, set monetary policy, and issue currency.